How we work:
Our policy briefs are written by individual authors or working groups, consisting of 2 – 5 people.
The working groups meet weekly, share their research findings, discuss and evaluate policy measures. In the course of the work, this research and discussion results in scientifically sound output in the form policy briefs that either explain a problem or a current EU policy, or introduce a progressive policy proposal that might help fighting the climate and social crisis in the EU. Once a first draft of a policy brief is completed, it enters an internal and external feedback procedure. Internally, every member of the initiative has one week time to comment on the draft and make suggestions to improve it. Externally, the draft is proofread by an independent academic expert to make sure that it meets academic standards and contains no false information. Additionally, our content editors check the draft with a particular focus on style, academic accuracy and comprehensibility. After all changes have been incorporated into the policy brief, the final result published on our website. Besides that, it is sent to our Instagram and TikTok managers, who transform it into an Instagram post and TikTok clip that are then uploaded on our accounts.