May 2024
February 2024

MFT Meinung: Die COP28 in Dubai (Moritz Kapff)

Dubai und Klimaschutz? Das klingt komisch, war aber tatsächlich Standort der UN-Klimakonferenz COP28, die Ende des letzten Jahres abgehalten wurde. Die „Conference of the parties“ findet jährlich statt, um die Fortschritte zur Bewältigung der Klimakrise zu bewerten und neue internationale Initiativen für den Klimaschutz zu entwickeln und koordinieren. Sieben Jahre zuvor war bei einem solchen Treffen das Pariser Abkommen beschlossen worden, indem sich die Staatengemeinschaft völkerrechtlich verpflichtete, die globale Erwärmung auf unter 2 Grad Celsius zu begrenzen. 

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January 2024
November 2023

Book Review: The Green New Deal and Beyond (by Stan Cox)

Hey folks, in order to help members of our initiative and everyone else who is interested in Europe's just transition get familiar with the idea of a Green New Deal, we plan publish literature reviews for relevant books and papers from time to time. Today, we start this project with a review of Stan Cox´ "The Green New Deal and Beyond" that was written by our member Jonas. 

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Kick-Off Meeting yesterday

Hey folks,  yesterday we had our official kick-off meeting to start phase one of our project. From today onwards, 21 topic-related working groups start gathering. In the following months, diligent and smart people from various groups of our society will discuss and revise the proposals from the "Blueprint for Europe's Just Transition". They will align them to the most recent scientific findings, compare them to alternative proposals and figure out, which policies serve best to pave the way towards a socially just sustainable future. 

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October 2023

Our website is online!

Hey folks, I´m happy to announce that finally our initiative has its own website. On this new website we provide information about the Green New Deal and our initiative to everyone interested in it. In this blog we will keep you up to date with regular posts about the progress of our initiative. Stay tuned! 

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